Sales and marketing departments do some of the most important jobs within any organisation. The questions will always come back on to them as to where the performance is coming from, what the direction is and how the growth is going to be achieved.
There are strenuous targets short and long-term, and the focus to deliver the results is often relentless. They are also enjoyable job roles in the correct environment. And to achieve the synergy of perfect momentum, it requires effort from both sides. The support network, the goals and the motive has to be set and well-communicated for the natural progression to go forward.
They need motivation in different forms. Because sales and marketing do have different tangible end points. A score on the board, a new lead, a retained customer, or an influx of traffic and awareness which is invaluable – but harder to quantify.
Your have to establish the differences of your work force motives to come in every day and do their job to the best ability. Is it time, is it money. Possibly other elements too worth considering.
The following tips will help you motivate your sales as well as marketing departments.
1. Set Goals
The first thing a boss should do tell the marketing and sales team is to set their daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals. This is the most effective way to follow what you have to achieve. The daily goals will keep you on the track. Success of daily goals will motivate you for weekly goals and the chain continues. Motivation never comes without goals.
2. Track Daily Wins
Another thing to do is to track down the daily performance, know the weak and strong areas and devise next strategies accordingly. Tracking daily performance is a great way to know your mistakes and what went wrong. You can outdo your performance and achieve more than your set goals if you track the wins every single day. Little things matter and tracking daily wins is one of the smallest things for keeping your team motivated. You must support your staff to get these wins. Provide the tools, the budget, the knowledge.
3. Celebrate Together
Whenever there is an individual or team achievement, everyone should be part of the celebration. The bigger role will play the leader or the boss. If the bosses know how to enjoy and celebrate with them teams, believe me they can just make new leaders and bring amazing life to the teams. The team members feel happy when the leaders celebrate them and let them know their success is valuable for the boss.
4. Give Great Rewards
The rewards are what keep the teams and employees motivated and encouraged. Marketing and sales departments run the business and profit comes because of these teams. They should be honored with prizes and rewards. The rewards can be medals, prizes, cash, any gifts or promotions and incentives with increased salaries. There can be nothing better than this when it comes to motivating the teams.
5. Let Them Pick Rewards
There are many alternatives and we see most of the companies have reward system for the sales and marketing sections. What they do is to honor them with a gift or prize. But what they can further do is to allow the teams to choose their own rewards. Give them a budget and let them pick anything of their choice. This will reduce your burden as well as encourage the teams.
6. Events and Team Building
You know how hardworking your teams are. Let them enjoy as well. Organize offsite events that can help the teams enjoy, celebrate the success and include a small portion on the training of your sales and marketing teams. Invite influencers and renowned marketers to keep your teams equipped with all the modern tools for better marketing and sales.
7. Lead by Example
This is where you can make further impact in the motivation of your marketing and sales teams. The boss should lead by example and show the juniors how things are done and should be handled. Your examples will make a path for them and they will know how you do things and where they need to make improvements for great performance.